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日本都市計画学会2021年度 全国大会に参加しました

日本都市計画学会2021年度 全国大会(第56回 論文発表会)に参加しました.西堀特任准教授が参加し,「交通ビッグデータを用いた地方都市中心市街地の 人出等に対するCOVID-19感染拡大防止対策の影響分析 ~複数の緊急事態宣言による影響の違いに着目して~」について発表しました.


During the COVID-19 pandemic, decreasing human mobility remains an essential measure despite the start of vaccinations due to the disease’s long incubation period and high infectivity. This study aims to investigate the effects of the 1st state of emergency, prefectural state of emergency, and 2nd state of emergency on human mobility during the COVID-19 pandemic based on the mobile spatial statistics and the pedestrian count data by applying the Bayesian structural time series model. First, we quantified the effects of different states of emergency regarding both under and after the declaration. Second, comparing the two data sets shows that the staying time reduced after the 1st state of emergency even though the number of pedestrians recovered the previous level. Third, the changes in human mobility consistent with the existing surveys on remote work and behaviors during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Keywords: covid-19, human mobility, city center, bayesian structural time series model, intervention

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