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概要(English Follows Japanese)

本研究では, COVID-19 の感染拡大により商業集積地の滞在人口の来訪パターンがどのように変化したのかを明らかにすることを目的とし,交通ビッグデータを用いて政令市等の20 地域における商業集積地の滞在人口の変化を分析した.その際,時系列クラスタリングにより滞在人口の時系列的な変化傾向を踏まえた分類と,商業集積地と居住地との位置関係に着目して分析を行った.

その結果,全体では商業集積地が存在する区(同区)からの滞在人口が増加し,感染拡大後も滞在人口が増加する地区では,隣接する区(隣接区)からの滞在人口も減少しにくい実態を確認した.隣接区までの平均距離は3.8km であり,自転車で15 分程度の位置にある.これらの周辺地域の居住者の生活を支える役割が相対的に高まっている可能性が示唆された.


COVID-19, Commercial area, Human mobility, Mobile Big Data, Time-series clustering


This study aims to clarify how the visit pattern of human mobility in the commercial area changed during the COVID-19 pandemic considering the spatial distribution of visitors’ residences. We clarified change patterns of floating population in the commercial area by applying time-series clustering and investigated the features of each pattern focusing on the spatial distribution of residence.

The major findings are as follows: First, human mobility change patterns can be classified into five patterns: significant decrease cluster, slight decrease cluster, no change cluster, slight increase cluster, and significant increase cluster. Second, the floating population from the same ward with commercial areas increased, and the floating population from the adjacent ward did not significantly decrease. The average distance to the adjacent ward is 3.8km, which is about 15 minutes by bicycle. It suggests the increased importance of local commercial centers to supporting the daily activities of neighboring residents.



大阪工業大学工学部都市デザイン工学科 都市・地域計画研究室 〒535-8585 大阪市旭区大宮5-16-1

© 2021 by Urban and Regional Planning Lab. Department of Civil Engineering and Urban Design, Faculty of Engineering, Osaka Institute of Technology
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